Pedagogy of Evaluation
As pedagogy is the study of teaching, pedagogy of evaluation examines how and what evaluation teaches.
This volume is inspired by the works of Paulo Freire who believed that all interactions between people are pedagogical: something is always being taught, conveyed, and proselytized (the same could be said of evaluation). Freirean principles, though articulated nearly 50 years ago, offer and affirm future directions for dealing with inequality, poverty, social injustice, community development, education, and, to the point here, evaluation. The principles remain fresh and timely, and new.
Divided into three parts, the editors invite you to use Freires works to reflect on your pedagogy of evaluation. Contemporaries of Paulo Freire present his pedagogyPedagogical principles of evaluation derived from FreireFreires current evaluation influence illustrated
This is the 155th issue in the New Directions for Evaluation series from Jossey-Bass. It is an official publication of the American Evaluation Association.