Philosophy of Education in Action: An Inquiry-Based Approach, Paperback
Philosophy of Education in Action is an innovative, inquiry-based introductory text that invites readers to study philosophy of education through the lens of their own observations and experiences. Structured according to a ``Wonder Model of Inquiry,`` each chapter begins by posing a fundamental What if question about curriculum, pedagogy, and the role of the school before investigating the various philosophical perspectives that guide and influence educational practices. Classroom vignettes and examples of actual schools and educational programs help to ground philosophical perspectives in real-world scenarios, while the book's unique inquiry-based approach leads students to both think critically about philosophical questions and apply the concepts to their own teaching. Features of the text include: What if questions that structure each chapter to pique students' curiosity, stimulate creativity, and promote critical thinking. Authentic classroom vignettes that encourage students to analyze what it means to ``do`` philosophy and to reflect upon their own practices, examine their role in the educational process, and articulate their own philosophical beliefs. A concluding section asking readers to imagine and design their own hypothetical school or classroom as a project-based means of analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating the different philosophies discussed. Accessible and thought-provoking, Philosophy of Education in Action provides a dynamic learning experience for readers to understand and apply philosophy in educational practice.