Taqueria is an homage to the best of Mexican cuisine. Across four chapters (Flavor Fiestas; Salsas, Salads & Vegetables, Taqueria and Margaritas & More), it is a crash course in cooking the food of Latin America. Starting with the building blocks, Paul Wilson shows that, with quality ingredients, attitude and a little application, you can create an authentic feast. The book includes more than 80 recipes, ranging from corn, prawn and bacon tortillas to homemade chorizo and sweet potato quesadillas. The salsas, salads & vegetables chapter recognizes the ever-growing appreciation for plant-based dishes with over 20 envelope-pushing vegetarian dishes. The package is loud, punchy and a little bit retro with bold colors that will especially speak to people who have visited, or are familiar, with Taqueria's of street-side Mexico.