Ask a Manager: How to Navigate Clueless Colleagues, Lunch-Stealing Bosses, and the Rest of Your Life at Work, Paperback
A witty, practical guide to navigating 200 difficult professional conversations, from the host of the popular website Ask A Manager and New York's work advice columnist. There's a reason Alison Green has been dubbed the ``Dear Abby of the work world.`` Ten years as a workplace advice columnist taught her that people avoid awkward conversations in the office because they can't find the right words. Here, she takes on the tough conversations you might need to have during your career and gives you the wording to do it. You'll learn what to say when: your coworker keeps pushing her work on you your new job is very different than what you agreed to your boss seems unhappy with your work your boss keeps stealing your lunch you catch an employee in a lie colleagues keep making judgmental comments about your diet your coworker's loud speaker phone calls are making you homicidal and plenty more difficult or awkward situations you might find yourself in With sharp, sage advice and letters from real-life readers, this guide will help you navigate the stormy seas of office politics. Featuring all-new advice and letters from real-life readers, this guide will help you navigate the stormy seas of office politics. Praise for Alison Green `` Green] acts as the internet's work therapist, in that she sees firsthand the anxieties that are most bothering employees and job-seekers alike. . . . This is perhaps what makes Green's site so soothing to read--she has a matter-of-fact tone that lays out the answer, or at least a range of potential answers, to the question 'Just what am I supposed to do here?'``--New York ``For those of us who navigate the complexities of the workplace at this point in history, whether we have somehow blundered into being managers ourselves or are merely data-entry peons, Alison Green is a treasure and a gift. She's helped me have tough conversations, compose better emails, and draw (or respect) boundaries as necessary: This is what's appropriate. This is how yo