The Job Hunting Handbook, Paperback/Harry S. Dahlstrom
Updated and redesigned for 2014-15. The Job Hunting Handbook is a complete job-search program you can read in about an hour and get started on your job hunt today. It's upbeat, motivational and written in a friendly conversational style. It includes critical material you won't find anywhere else. Learn how employers hire and how to survive the four cuts. Just fill-in-the-blanks to craft a resume with all the right stuff. How to ask three references to sing your praises. What to say when a hiring manager calls you. What to wear to a job interview-and why it matters. How to sell yourself with a 15 second sales pitch. A dozen ways enthusiasm can make you more likeable. How to answer 50 tough interview questions with ease. Smart questions to ask a hiring manager. Four things you need to do after every job interview. Wages and demand for America's top 175 occupations. Plus, step-by-step coaching for networking, social media, job fairs, job boards, career centers, temp agencies, following-up, and much more. Over 7 million copies sold, The Job Hunting Handbook is used by thousands of career centers nationwide. It is also printed under private cover for state and local employment services.