Ateroscleroza Cerebrala Ischemica - Danaila Leon
Danaila Leon
Neuroplasticitatea: Secretul longevitatii creierului
Leon Danaila
The cells of the brain. A review book. Editie in limba engleza - Leon Danaila
Cerebrovascular abnormalities. A book-atlas of macroscopic and microscopic aspects - Leon Danaila
Tratat De Neuropsihologie Vol. 2 - Leon Danaila, Mihai Golu
Leon Danaila,Mihai Golu
Functional neuroanatomy of the brain. Volume I, Volume II, Volume III - Leon Danaila
Apoptoza. Moartea celulara programata, Mihail Alecu, Gabriela Coman
Tratat de Neuropsihologie. Vol. 1 - ( Leon Danaila, Mihai Golu )
Functional neuroanatomy of the brain. Volume II
Functional neuroanatomy of the brain. Volume III
Apoteoza neurochirurgiei - Paperback - Leon Dănăilă - Pro Universitaria
Functional neuroanatomy of the brain
Tratat De Neuropsihologie Vol.1
Ferdinand I. Cuvant pentru intregirea neamului romanesc
Ion Danila,Leonida Moise,Neculai Moghior