Cerebrovascular abnormalities. A book-atlas of macroscopic and microscopic aspects - Leon Danaila
Cerebrovascular abnormalities. A book-atlas of macroscopic and microscopic aspects Editie in limba engleza Graduated Faculty of Medicine in Iasi, (1958). Positions achieved following competitive professional examinations: neurosurgery resident physician (1961), specialist neurosurgery physician in the Neurosurgery Clinic of „Gh. Marinescu" Hospital in Bucharest (1966), awarded the title of doctor of medicine with the doctoral thesis „Neuronomul Spinal [The Spinal Neurinoma]" (1972), achieved the qualification of 3'd degree senior specialist consultant neurosurgeon (1974) and that of 2nd degree senior specialist consultant neurosurgeon (1981), Appointed head of the VII vascular neurosurgery and microneurosurgery department of "Gh. Marinescu" Hospital in Bucharest. Had graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology in Bucharest (1972). Overspecialization in neurosurgery - 10 (ten): Budapest (1978 and 1979), New York (1980-1981), Delft (1981), Moscow (1982), Edinburgh and Glasgow (1990), Dusseldorf (1991), Paris (1991), Brussels (1995). Scientific research, inventions, neurosciences: (1) Authority in translational medicine and medical inventions - 28 patents (18 inventions and 10 innovations). (2) Significant progresses in science and in medicine, through new concepts, techniques and advanced surgical methods, had substantiated new therapeutic orientations. (3) National and European research programs. (4) Editor in chief or member in the steering committee of 10 scientific journals: Romanian Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery; Romanian Neurosurgery; Romanian Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry; Proceedings of the Romanian Academy; Chirurgia [Surgery] (Bucharest); Romanian Journal of Neurosurgery; Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists (Medical Sciences); Medica Academica: Journal of Translational Medicine and Research; National Medical Review. (5) Member in 18 International and world scientific societies. From 1961 to 2019 I had performed more than 40.350 surgical interventions. I published 58 volumes and more than 411 papers. Academic and state excellence: (1) In Romania: full member of the Romanian Academy (2004) (after being a corresponding member since 1997); full member of The Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences (1993); honorary member of The Academy of Romanian Scientists (2004); (2) Abroad: member of 9 academic institutions. Had been awarded more than 40 national and international orders, medals, awards, titles and honours over the course of 56 years.