Dictionary of Subjects and Symbols in Art, Paperback
James Hall
Industry of Human Happiness, Paperback
Accounting Information Systems
With Pen & Ink
James Hall,Jeff Menges
Interpretarea jungiana a viselor
James A. Hall
When They Come for You
James W. Hall
Under Cover of Daylight, Paperback/James W. Hall
When You Can't Stop, Paperback/James W. Hall
Cei trei purceluși - Paperback - Paralela 45 educațional
James Halliwell Phillipps
Scene ilustrate din povești. Cei trei purceluși (planșe)
James Orchard Halliwell Phillipps
Scene ilustrate din povești. Scufița Roșie / Albă ca zăpada și cei șapte pitici (planșe)