Victorian Class Conflict?
Dr. John T. Smith
Tunisian Womens Writing in French
Sonia Alba
Guerrilleros and Neighbours in Arms
Jorge Marco
Reading Inside Out
Yigal Allon
Udi Manor
Cosmic Threats
Neville Brown
Myth of the Modern Hero
Jane L Bownas
Arab Political Demography
Onn Winckler
Through Belgian Eyes
Helen Macewan
Attempt to Uproot Sunni-Arab Influence
Joseph A. Kechichian
War, the Hero and the Will
Friend or Foe?
Peter Anderson
David Bayot
Adoption of a Pro-US Foreign Policy by Spain & the United Kingdom
Nathan Jones
For Only Those Deserve the Name
Mark Calderbank
Additional Memoirs of Lady Hester Stanhope
Mark Guscin
Lost in Translation
Conspiracy, Coup d'etat & Civil War in Seville, 1936-1939
Ruben Serem
Werner Krauss
Gareth Watts
Eli Ben Amram & his Companions
Elinoar Bareket
Intellectual Response to the First World War
Filipinas Everywhere
E San Juan Jr
Rebuilding Islam in Contemporary Spain
Avi Astor
The Genocidal Genealogy of Francoism
Antonio Miguez Macho
The Huguenots in Later Stuart Britain
Robin D. Gwynn
Lusophone World
Sarah Ashby
John Howlett