Navigation Workbook 18465 Tr: For Power-Driven and Sailing Vessels, Paperback
David Burch
Hawaii by Sextant: An In-Depth Exercise in Celestial Navigation Using Real Sextant Sights and Logbook Entries, Paperback
Navigation Workbook 1210 Tr: For Power-Driven and Sailing Vessels, Paperback
Starpath Sailor's Logbook, Paperback
Introduction to Electronic Chart Navigation: With an Annotated Ecdis Chart No. 1, Paperback
Stark Tables: For Clearing the Lunar Distance and Finding Universal Time by Sextant Observation Including a Convenient Way to Sharpe, Paperback
Bruce Stark
Long Term Almanac 2000-2050: For the Sun and Selected Stars with Concise Sight Reduction Tables, 2nd Edition, Paperback
Geoffrey Kolbe
International Code of Signals: For Visual, Sound, and Radio Communication, Paperback
How to Use Plastic Sextants: With Applications to Metal Sextants and a Review of Sextant Piloting, Paperback
The Nautical Almanac for the Year 1981: For Training Purposes Only, Paperback
Usno Nautical Almanac Office
Long Term Almanac 2000-2050: For the Sun and Selected Stars with Concise Sight Reduction Tables, 2nd Edition (Hardcover)
Inland and Coastal Navigation: For Power-Driven and Sailing Vessels, 2nd Edition, Paperback
Celestial Navigation: A Complete Home Study Course, Second Edition, Hardcover
Celestial Navigation: A Complete Home Study Course, Second Edition, Paperback
Fundamentals of Kayak Navigation: Master the Traditional Skills and the Latest Technologies, Revised Fourth Edition, Paperback
The Barometer Handbook: A Modern Look at Barometers and Applications of Barometric Pressure, Paperback/David Burch
Modern Marine Weather: From Time-Honored Traditional Knowledge to the Latest Technology, Paperback/David Burch
Weather Workbook: Questions, Answers, and Resources on Marine Weather, Paperback/David Burch
GPS Backup with a Mark 3 Sextant: All Instructions and Tables Included; For Any Ocean, on Any Date; No Background in Celestial Navigation Required., Paperback/David Burch
Navigation de Secours: Techniques Exploratoires A L'Usage Du Marin Curieux Et Prudent, Paperback/David Burch