One Hope: Re-Membering the Body of Christ, Paperback
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Reclaiming the '' L'' Word, Paperback
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Declaration on the Way: Church, Ministry, and Eucharist, Paperback
Catholic Church
The Measure of a Man, Paperback
Martin Luther King Jr.
Theology of Hope, Paperback
Jurgen Moltmann
New Joy of Discovery in Bible, Paperback
Oletta Wald
The Lutheran Handbook: A Field Guide to Church Stuff, Everyday Stuff, and the Bible, Paperback
Augsburg Fortress Publishers
Making Sense of Scripture: Big Questions about the Book of Faith, Paperback
David J. Lose
Making Sense of the Cross, Hardcover
Blessed Are the Consumers: Climate Change and the Practice of Restraint, Paperback
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Making Sense of the Christian Faith, Paperback
Listening for God Reader, Vol 1, Paperback
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Prayer Expanded Version Hallesby, Paperback
O. Hallesby
Jesse Tree, Paperback
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Soul Weavings, Hardcover
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The Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Hardcover
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Seasons of Grief and Healing: A Guide for Those Who Mourn, Paperback
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The Friendship Factor: How to Get Closer to the People You Care for, Paperback/Alan Loy McGinnis
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Ask, Thank, Tell: Improving Stewardship Ministry in Your Congregation, Paperback/Charles R. Lane
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The Church in the Power of the Spirit: A Contribution to Messianic Ecclesiology, Paperback/Jurgen Moltmann
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Six Theories of Justice, Paperback/Karen Lebacqz
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Death and Grief, Paperback/Harold Ivan Smith
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