Caiet de vacanta pentru clasa a II-a - Mirela Mihaescu, Stefan Pacearca, Anita Dulman, Crenguta Alexe, Otilia Brebenel
Mirela Mihaiescu
Altruismul eficient. Ghid pentru o viata traita in mod etic
Peter Singer
Craciunul hainutelor
Text Adaptat Charles Perrault
Micul imbatabil - 5-6 ani
Text Adaptat Fratii Grimm
Altoirea pe intelesul tuturor - Eric Dumont
Eric Dumont
Non-Interpretive Skills for Radiology: Case Review
David M. Yousem
Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine
Nathan Cherny
Radiation Protection in Medical Radiography
Mary Alice Statkiewicz Sherer
Workbook for Radiologic Science for Technologists
Stewart C. Bushong
Comprehensive Textbook of AIDS Psychiatry
Mary Ann Cohen,Paul Volberding
Breast Tomosynthesis
Liane E Philpotts
Head and Neck Pathology
Lester D. R. Thompson
Kaplan's Cardiac Anesthesia
Joel A. Kaplan
Smith's Anesthesia for Infants and Children
Peter J. Davis
Pediatric Neuroimaging
A. James Barkovich Md
Understanding the Emotional Disorders
David Watson
Bailey & Scott's Diagnostic Microbiology
Patricia Tille
Occupational and Environmental Health
Barry S. Levy
The Comprehensive Textbook of Clinical Biomechanics
Jim Richards
Textbook of Occupational Medicine Practice
Tar Ching Aw
Interventional Radiology: A Survival Guide
David Kessel
Diagnostic Imaging: Head and Neck
Bernadette L Koch
Robbins Basic Pathology
Vinay Kumar
Body Imaging: Thorax and Abdomen
Gabriele A. Krombach
Pathology Illustrated
Fiona Roberts
Mims' Medical Microbiology and Immunology
Richard Goering
Pathophysiology of Heart Disease
Leonard S. Lilly Md
Oral Pathology
Sook Bin Woo