Pre A1 Starters, Mini Trainer with Audio Download
This Mini Trainer provides gentle, focused exam preparation for Pre A1 Starters, helping to build confidence in young learners. Inside are two full-colour practice tests, together with answers online for teachers to access. Training and Exam Practice in the first test provide complete guidance on how to tackle the exam, and includes friendly online character animations to familiarise children and parents with each part of the test. The second test provides a complete run-through for assessing progress. What are the key features?Characters, designed by real students, bring learning to life and making skills FUN.Video animations in Presentation Plus and the Mini-Trainers provide lively input and extra help.Topic-led units with strong skills focus ensure that all four skills are thoroughly covered.‘Grammar fun!’ section for each two levels, requested by teachers, covers key areas of grammar and structure for the exam syllabus.Skills checklists at the back of the book help students build confidence in their progress.Optional exam-style taster-tasks for each part of the exams in turn are integrated into the units. Alte titluri pentru *** (autor): Unicornul magic. Pictăm cu sclipici. Carte de colorat cu pensulă și acuarele (2019) , Superculori. Colorăm după model 4+ Vol.2 (2019) , Disney. Regatul de gheață II (Carte cu tăbliță magnetică) (2019) , Disney. Regatul de gheață II. Citești și te joci (conține10 figurine cu ventuză) (2019) , Diney. Regatul de gheață II. Povești călătoare (2019) , Frida Kahlo. Artista care a pictat cu sufletul. Seria Micii mei Eroi (Vol. 18) (2019) , 100 de legende. 100 de locuri fabuloase (carte 3D) (2019) , Aladin și lampa fermecată. Motanul încălțat. Spărgătorul de nuci. (2019) , Albă-ca-Zăpada, Cizmarul și spiridușii (2019) , Animale sălbatice din Europa (2019) , extinde