Investitiile straine directe (ISD). Detectarea fluxurilor ISD la nivel mondial. Foreign direct investments. Flows detected world-wide
Revenim la aspiratia unui tablou al fluxurilor de capital la nivel mondial intr-o serie de lucrari in care sunt identificati marii investitori-tari ai/ale lumii, dar si marii receptori, este vazuta si dinamica acelorasi fluxuri, se schiteaza „sablonul” comportamental-istoric a ceea ce intreprinde o tara care achieseaza la dezvoltarea pe aceasta baza, in care reveneau si o descriere sumara a comportamentului ISD al fiecareia dintre cele 215 tari membre UNCTAD, era avansata si o tipologie a regiunilor multi-tari ale lumii dupa acelasi criteriu. Aici sunt identificate „tronsoanelele” capitalului international si incheiem cu identificarea marilor fluxuri de capital estimate. Lucrarea isi construieste si foloseste un model matematic propriu pentru toate estimarile intreprinse, diferit de celelalte din literatura de specialitate. This paper aims an analysis of major capital flows in a series of such papers that: identifies the great world investor countries, as well as the great FDI recipient countries, the same for FDI flow dynamics and for a behavioural pattern of countries that have joined the international capital, for a few words on each of the 215 UNCTAD member countries’ FDI behavior, for drawing a typology of the multi-country regions basing on the same criterion. Our paper identifies the international capital sections and finishes by identifying, through its proper estimations, the main capital flows throughout the world. A model proper to these estimations is here shaped and used and so our undertaking stays different from the other models in the literature.