A Walk of Love, Paperback
This is the life story of a brave man who dares to dream of people uniting in love to rescue one of our most precious commodities: thousands of at-risk children torn by poverty, poor education, drugs, and murder. Raised fatherless in extreme lack, Joe excels in music, martial arts, academics, and computer programming. Prior to college graduation, Joe hacks into a restricted banking system. Locked in a notorious prison, Joe fights for his life and others against ruthless enemies. Once free, Joe's life is impacted through romantic encounters with an extraordinary woman named Denise. Now together, overcoming various dangerous and heartbreaking crises Joe's life takes a traumatic twist that earns him the name ""Papa Joe"" and develops him into a breed of inner-city missionary who leads volunteers to share compassion and practical love acts to at-risk children in inner-city slums. Papa Joe's experience is an amazing inspiration that proves how even through life's most shattering circumstances, you can overcome through Christ, and allow Him to use your story of transformation to spread His love to others. Joe Bradford, co-producer of Unconditional, is an inspirational speaker, teacher, writer, drama producer, musician, and mentor to young and old. Papa Joe lives in Nashville, TN with his wife Denise and their seven children. He and Denise are co-founders and Directors of Elijah's Heart Incorporated, a nonprofit organization that serves hundreds of inner-city children and parents.