Tarot for One: The Art of Reading for Yourself, Paperback
Courtney Weber has been teaching tarot and speaking at tarot symposia around the country for a decade. Over the years, one of the things most requested from her is a guide to doing self-readings. Since there was nothing quite like that in the marketplace, she created "Tarot for One," which is a personal workbook and resource guide designed to help form interpretations directly applicable to self-readings.
In Weber's clean, clear style, this book includes a history of the tarot, the Fool, the Major Arcana, the Court Cards, the Suit of Cups, the Suit of Wands, the Suit of Swords, and the Suit of Pentacles, as well as what she calls the beauty cards, the tough cards, reversals, practice spreads, and next steps. She includes common associations as well as extensive exercises to unlock readers' own interpretations for connecting personal journeys with the archetypical tarot. Readers will learn to let the voice of the tarot come through without overlaying too much of their own "stuff" during a reading.
"Tarot for One" includes dozens of original tarot spreads and layouts, which have been repeatedly proven both fun and effective in Weber's classes and workshops. It also contains tips on finding a deck, honing a tarot practice, and avoiding common self-reading pitfalls.