The Real Estate Fastlane: The Real Book to Become a Millionaire Real Estate Investor. Buy It, Rent It, Profit!, Paperback
This book will show you how to make Money. That's the only reason it was written. I assume you would like to get rich. If you roll up your sleeves and genuinely follow its clear directions, you will become a rich, semi-retired man or woman in 10 years or less. Contents: Preface How It Started First Buys Cash Flow Learning the Facts of Life Location Dumping the Deadwood What is the Best Buy in Real Estate and Why Your Phenomenal Chances for Success Grow Rich on Borrowed Money What to Check First What to Check Second the Time is Now How to Find the Good Buys the Importance and Uses of the Value Formula the Fifteen Per Cent Rule Types to Which the Value Formula Can be Applied Figuring the Net Before the Offer Creative Offers Precautions in the Offer After Acceptance Checking the Heat After Taking Title Straightening Out Tenancies New Tenants Tax Benefits While Holding How to Sell Them Tax Angles in Selling