Thirty Days to Natural Blood Pressure Control: The 'No Pressure' Solution, Paperback
High Blood Pressure. Even if you haven't received the diagnosis yet, as many as three-quarters of the Western world will have to contend with high blood pressure sometime in their lives. However you no longer need to be a victim. Drs. De Rose and Steinke along with Nurse Practitioner Li draw from cutting-edge medical research and their decades of clinical experience to guide you on an amazing 30-day journey. Learn simple natural strategies that have helped many people decrease or eliminate their dependence on medications. Other titles may promise fast results with natural blood pressure strategies but few, if any, are as comprehensive, readable, and practical as ""Thirty Days to Natural Blood Pressure Control."" Written by practicing medical professionals who share a passion for educating their patients, this book gives you far more than the latest information on natural blood pressure strategies. Its highly readable and user-friendly style combines a wealth of real-life stories taken from a variety of medical clinics and patient encounters. More illustrations, more data, and more compelling stories means more tools to educate and motivate you when it comes to drug-free blood pressure control. When valued in terms of the amount of information presented, this book is among the least expensive on the topic. Furthermore, the clinicians who wrote ""Thirty Days to Natural Blood Pressure Control"" realize that knowledge is not enough. Most of us know far better than we do. Consequently, the book's authors essentially take your hand and help guide you to strategies that will make it more likely that you will do-and enjoy-the practical guidelines presented. As an example, the book offers a number of personal worksheets where the authors help you set and achieve realistic goals as you go through the 30-day program. Reviews From Readers' Favorite (readersfavorite. com) Review by A. Fomonyuy - 5/5 stars If there is a book everyone should read on high blood pressure treatment, it sho