Black, Pregnant and Loving It: The Comprehensive Pregnancy Guide for Today's Woman of Color, Paperback
The Only Month-By-Month Pregnancy Guide for Black Women Let's face it: Not all pregnancies are created equal. African American women are at a higher risk for complications such as hypertension, asthma and preterm birth. That's why Dr. Suzanne Greenidge-Hewitt and Yvette Allen-Campbell wrote this must-have pregnancy guide for women of color. Suzanne has over 26 years of experience as a board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist, and Yvette is a leader in education. Together they walk you through the multiple stages of pregnancy, advise on how to best avoid common health issues and dispel rumors, all with authority and personality. With month-by-month overviews, soul food recipes beneficial to pregnant women, checklists for doctor visits, a play-by-play of delivery options and even tips for keeping the romance alive, this book has everything you'll need for the next 9 months and beyond. With all your questions answered and all your fears laid to rest, Black, Pregnant and Loving It will allow you to enjoy your pregnancy and go on to deliver the beautiful baby you've been waiting for.