Alice in the Country of Clover: Cheshire Cat Waltz, Volume 7, Paperback
Alice in the Country of Clover is an all-new manga series that re-imagines Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland in a sly, sexy shoujo style. This new series is a follow-up to QuinRose's bestselling Alice in the Country of Hearts, but can be read independently. Alice in the Country of Clover: Cheshire Cat Waltz continues the adventures of Alice as she goes deeper into Wonderland, and focuses on her relationship with the Cheshire Cat. This volume, as with each new book in the Alice in the Country of Clover series, is an oversized edition that features impressive artwork and colour pinups. His name is Boris, and despite his human form and piercings and tattoos, he is not your typical punk teenager. For he is the Cheshire Cat, complete with cat ears and a tail, and a penchant for riddles. Boris is in madly love with Alice, and Alice is vulnerable and lonely. But will she fall for the Cheshire Cat?Age: 16+