The Strongest Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible: 21st Century Edition, Hardcover
Like a redwood that towers above all other trees, The Strongest Strong's takes James Strong's classic concordance to unprecedented heights. Reflecting thousands of research hours, custom computer technology, and an exclusive database perfected over twenty years, The Strongest Strong's is packed with features that make it the last word in accuracy and usefulness. No other Strong's concordance can touch it. This is no mere study tool. Destined to become a foundational resource for Bible study the world over, The Strongest Strong's is a landmark in biblical reference works. What Makes This Strong's the Strongest? Rebuilding Strong's time-honored concordance from the ground up, biblical research experts John Kohlenberger and James Swanson have achieved unprecedented accuracy and clarity. Longstanding errors have been corrected. Omissions filled in. Word studies simplified. Thoroughness and ease of use have been united and maximized. Kohlenberger and Swanson have also added the Nave's Topical Bible Reference System--the world's most complete topical Bible, updated, expanded, and streamlined to meet the needs of today's Bible user. No other edition of Strong's or Nave's gives you all the information combined in The Strongest Strong's A Stunning Array of World-Class Features In order to experience all the advantages of The Strongest Strong's, you'll have to look inside. But here is a thumbnail sketch of what awaits you: - Computer-verified accuracy. For the first time ever, cutting-edge computer analysis provides unparalleled, pinpoint accuracy - Strong's numbering system speeds you through word studies, giving you clear insights into Greek and Hebrew words - Goodrick-Kohlenberger numbers in the dictionary indexes give you access to the growing library of reference tools that use these numbers--another unique feature - The most up-to-date Hebrew and Greek dictionaries ensure precise meaning in your word studies - Nave's Topical Bible Reference System supplies the complete