Super Cool Tech, Hardcover
See today's best innovations and imagine tomorrow's big ideas in this cutting-edge guide that explores how incredible new technologies are shaping the modern world and its future with more than 250 full-color images, X-rays, thermal imaging, digital artworks, cross-sections, and cutaways. Revealing the secrets behind the latest gadgets and gizmos, state-of-the-art buildings, and life-changing technologies, and what has yet to come, Super Cool Tech makes technology easy to understand. Lift the unique laptop-inspired book cover to see incredible architectural concepts around the world, such as the Hydropolis Underwater Hotel and Resort in Dubai; discover modern technologies like the 3-D printer; and explore the amazing possibilities of the future, such as a flying car and teleportation. Designed in DK's signature style, Super Cool Tech is the ultimate guide to understanding the latest inventions and looking ahead to the future of technology.