California History for Kids: Missions, Miners, and Moviemakers in the Golden State, Paperback
The rich story of the men and women who settled and built the Golden State is told in this engaging chronicle, from the first native inhabitants that arrived 9, 000 years ago and the Spanish in the 1700s to the followers of the Gold Rush in 1848 and the Hollywood and Silicon Valley newcomers. They faced many struggles--including earthquakes, economic hardships, and the forced internment of Japanese citizens--yet they persevered. To get a better idea of the scope of California history and the lives of the state's residents, children will create a Chumash rock painting, play the Miwok game of Hoop and Pole, bake and eat hardtack like a gold miner, design a cattle brand, assemble an earthquake preparedness kit, and more. This valuable resource also includes a time line of significant events, a list of historic sites to visit or explore online, and Web resources for further study.