Meatless': A Fresh Look at What You Eat, Hardcover
Humans are eating more meat than ever before. At the same time, vegetarianism is capturing more widespread attention. From Meatless Mondays to vegan options, people are talking more about meat and whether or not to eat it. Journalist Sarah Elton tackles the topic by explaining what vegetarianism is, why people choose it, and how their reasons--including religion, animal rights, food security, and the environmental cost of eating meat--have changed over time. The book closes with practical tips for making the switch, and perspectives from vegetarian kids. As a conflicted meat eater herself, Elton encourages freedom to choose. Lively illustrations, sidebars, and sources, plus a glossary, index, and further reading suggestions make this a friendly, comprehensive introduction to why some people eat meat, why others don't, and what kids might consider when making that choice for themselves. LEVELINGGrade Range: 4-8Fountas & Pinnell: TLexile: 1020L COMMON COREW. 5.1, 2,4, 6,7, 8,9, 9b, 10SL. 5.1, 1a, 1c, 1d, 2,3, 4,5, 5RF. 5.3, 3a, 4,4a, 4c L. 5.3, 4,4a, 4b, 4c, 5,5a, 6RI. 5.1, 2,3, 4,5, 6,7, 9,10