365 More Simple Science Experiments with Everyday Materials, Paperback
Volume Two in Black Dog's best-selling Simple Science Experiments collection, ""365 More Simple Science Experiments with Everyday Materials"" has a fresh new look at a great new price. With 3""65 More Simple Science Experiments,"" kids ages 9 through 12 get a year's worth of fun and educational hands-on experiments while gaining knowledge of the fundamentals of science?including concepts such as gravity, electricity, magnification, magnetism, oxidation, and more?that will last a lifetime. The hundreds of experiments are divided into 32 chapters, the first seven of which focus on experiments that demonstrate basic principles of physics using materials in the natural world. In the next eight chapters kids learn about science using common foods, discovering the answers to such questions as ""Why do we cry when peeling an onion?"" and ""Is a raw carrot healthier than a cooked one?"" The next seven chapters tackle concepts having to do with time and space, and the following seven explain some puzzling ideas about nature. The final chapters explore the science of outer space. Most of the experiments are easy enough for kids to execute on their own, though a few may require the aid of a parent or partner. Kids will learn how to make vinegar, milk a potato, catch sound, stick a pin in a balloon without popping it, and make 1 + 1 not equal 2. This book is perfect for kids who like to explore the natural world or are looking for something fun and inexpensive to create for a science fair. ""Also available: 365 Simple Science Experiments with Everyday Materials (978-1-57912-927-9).""