Beyond Texting: The Fine Art of Face-To-Face Communication for Teenagers, Paperback
Teens sign up for phone plans with unlimited text messages and 200 talk minutes, yet can't carry on an ordinary dinner conversation. Beyond Texting is the first book for teens to explain how to be plugged in without neglecting the necessity and power of physical, human interaction. Sure, My Space and Facebook are wonderful ways to communicate with friends or stay in touch with a far off relative. Yet, success in the online world does not transfer to success in the art of conversation. Even the most outgoing teen may find a job interview, first date, or meeting with a teacher to be challenging because of lack of skills. Beyond Texting presents communication tools and conversation skills to boost confidence, survive AND thrive. This book describes how to develop the ability to have a 3-D conversation while gaining interpersonal communication skills. Offering practical advice and cheat sheets Beyond Texting strives to help teens balance their digital and real world image and relationships. Beyond Texting is a reminder to a teenager that you do have the courage to speak up at school, that you should feel confident going on a date, that you can attend a party alone and that you are capable of a successful job interviewall without the crutch of technology. Authored by Debra Fine, bestselling author of The Fine Art of Small Talk, a nationally recognized conversation and communication guru. Booklist Review (07/01/2014) Beyond Texting: The Fine Art of Face-To-Face Communication for Teenagers 9780988969605 Debra Fine, Canon Publishers Grades 7-11 This how-to-communicate guidebook offers young readers active tips for putting forward their best selves clearly and accessibly in all manner of social situations. From basics such as breaking the ice, keeping a conversation humming, and speaking with adults to more advanced topics making romantic connections, handling confrontation, dealing with cyber bullying, and integrating digital and in-person interactions, this slim volume offe