Tuskegee Airmen Story, Hardcover
The Tuskegee Airmen not only flew 1, 500 successful missions in World War II, but also laid the groundwork for an end to unfair practices banning black menfrom certain military professions. While playing at their grandparentsi1/2 house one day, Joshua and Kristadiscover a World War II uniform, helmet, and medals. Their grandfather shareswith them the story of his proud days as a member of Americai1/2s first all-blackflying squadron. When the Tuskegee Experience began in 1931, officials believed black peoplewere incapable of learning to fly an airplane. The Tuskegee airmen proved themwrong, and served as a sterling example of what a people--thought best suited tojanitorial work, cooking, and manual labor--could do. About The Illustrator Illustrator Rosalie M. Shepherd is a landscape and portrait painter, workswith oil, charcoal, and watercolor, and has worked extensively as a graphicdesigner.