Desastre en la Cocina/A Mess In The Kitchen, Paperback
Julieta has a playdate with her friend Lupe and won't even look at her brother Eric. When he tries to get their attention, he succeeds, but not in the way he first intended, and it's a mess Eric is dying to play with his sister Julieta and her friend Lupe, but won't admit it. So he tries to hide one of Julieta's dolls on top of the kitchen shelves... unfortunately, as he climbs up he trips and falls with a loud thump The girls come to find out what happened, and Eric, to hide his prank, gets them to make cookies for everyone. The idea is as wild as the mess they're about to create. Eric se muere por jugar con Julieta y su amiguta Lupe, pero no quiere admitirlo. Por eso, trata de esconderles una muneca en uno de los estantes superiores de la cocina... con tan mala suerte que se cae Las ninas corren a auxiliarlo y Eric, para esconder su travesura, las convence de que todos hagan galletas. Una idea tan descabellada como el desastre que tendra lugar en la cocina.