Clueless McGee and the Inflatable Pants, Hardcover
For fans of Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Timmy Failure What do you mean they don't give trophies for playing video games? It s only fair, isn t it? Clueless Mc Gee has mastered his Ninja Warz video game and he d like a trophy. It seems like a lot of extra work to have to win the science fair to get one. . . . Yet that trophy is REALLY nice. And Clueless does have an idea for a magnetic pickle that seems likean obvious winner. So okay, he s in. Until someone steals the trophy and then he s on the case Clueless will have to call onhis finest ninja skills not to mention some luck and a lot of help from people more competent than he is in order to solve the mystery. . . . Jeff Mack continues to hit every note just right in this hilarious series that young middle-graders will be reading, rereading, and exchanging with their friends until (and even after) the next installment lands on the shelves. With comic-style art throughout, this book is perfect for fans of ""Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Big Nate, Dork Diaries ""and for any kid who likes mysteries, likes to laugh, and is a video game master ""