The Strangers at the Manger, Paperback
It's Christmas time at St. Anne parish, and a new family hasarrived The Perez family doesn t look like the other families in the parish. As five-year-old Mateo stares at Katie and Patrick, clutching his little stuffed burro, they see he's just puzzled about them. But it's Father Miguel's job to take care of them, right?Just then, a bell rings and the twins are swept up inanother Chime Travel adventure, this time to find Maryand Joseph on their way to Bethlehem. This fresh yet authenticretelling of the biblical Infancy Narratives sheds new light on the life of the Holy Family. And when at last the Magi arrive, Katie asks Mary, Are you sure you want all of these strangers around the baby?"" Mary smiles. ""Strangers are simply newfriends, just waiting to be loved. Katie and Patrick think of the Perez family. Can they still make new friends for Christmas?""