Charlie Joe Jackson's Guide to Planet Girl, Paperback
Look out for make-ups, break-ups, and hilarious romance tips in this illustrated middle-grade novel, as Charlie Joe figures out this crazy little thing called love. There's a crisis at Eastport Middle School It appears that everyone has a boyfriend or girlfriend except . . . Charlie Joe Jackson? Yup--he's the only single guy out of all his friends. How is this possible? Even Pete Milano snagged a girl Well, Charlie Joe refuses to be left out. He quickly goes looking for help in the last place anyone would think to find him--the library. And what he finds is the gem of all gems, the guidebook of all guidebooks, the key to finally getting a girl Now, everyone is suddenly coming to him for love advice. (Oh, how the tables have turned.) But Charlie Joe's world is swiftly turned upside down when he realizes the girl he actually likes... might not actually be the girl he likes. The fifth book in the acclaimed Charlie Joe Jackson series, Charlie Joe Jackson's Guide to Planet Girl by Tommy Greenwald, returns to give young readers a hilarious and engaging story about trouble, failure, and awkward middle school romance. Read all the books in the Charlie Joe Jackson series Charlie Joe Jackson's Guide to Not Reading Charlie Joe Jackson's Guide to Extra Credit Charlie Joe Jackson's Guide to Summer Vacation Charlie Joe Jackson's Guide to Making Money Charlie Joe Jackson's Guide to Planet Girl Charlie Joe Jackson's Guide to Not Growing Up