El Capitan Calzoncillos y la Ridicula Historia de los Seres del Inodoro Morado = Captain Underpants and the Preposterous Plight of the Purple Potty Pe, Paperback
When we last saw George and Harold, they were about to take their pet pterodactyl Crackers back to the Cretaceous period. But things didn't work out quite as they had hoped. They've entered an absurd alternate reality where teachers are nice, kids are allowed to read banned books, and the cafeteria food doesn't smell like dirty diapers. Even worse, they've discovered alternate versions of themselves--Evil George and Evil Harold--who plan to unleash some preposterous plans on Piqua, Ohio. Now it's up to George and Harold to defeat the evil twins and THEIR superhero, Captain Blunderpants Se han vuelto Jorge y Berto completamente locos? Su Inodoro Morado los ha llevado a un lugar extranisimo donde los maestros son amables, la comida de la cafeteria es deliciosa y el director, el Sr. Carrasquilla, piensa que ellos son realmente graciosos. Algo esta muy, pero muy mal... y se pone peor cuando los mellizos malvados que se parecen a Jorge y Berto secuestran a su pterodactilo mascota, Galletas, y a Chuli, el hamster bionico. Ahora Jorge y Berto deben enfrentar a los enemigos mas listos que hayan tenido jamas: ellos mismos Sera este un nuevo reto para el increible Capitan Calzoncillos?""