100 Days in Heaven, Paperback
We are living under an open Heaven and the Lord has made it a two way path. In one direction, He is pouring out abundant blessings, provisions, and spiritual gifts to equip the saints in these last days. Are you ready to receive what He is pouring out? The other direction of flow is that He is inviting more and more people to visit in the Third Heaven to be trained and equipped for ministry in the coming season. Are you ready to be invited up into heavenly places? ""Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need."" (Hebrews 4: 16) James Durham: After serving as a pastor for more than 45 years, including 13 years as a pastor and church planter and almost 30 years as an active duty army Chaplain, James retired from the military at the rank of Colonel. In 2010, James and his wife, Gloria, retired from the pastoral ministry and moved to Columbia, South Carolina in order to write, teach seminars around the world, and mentor many spiritual sons and daughters. James is a graduate of Oklahoma State University with a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology; Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas with a Master's degree in Theology.