Doing the Supernatural Works of Jesus, Paperback
Everett Cox has 32 years in the Deliverance and Healing ministry. Here he shares hissimple, proven steps of how to minister to others or minister to yourself. After founding Deliverance Ministries, Inc. in 1984, he has worked with different methods andtechniques through the years to establish a system for ministry that the Holy Spirit isusing to heal the broken hearted and set the captives free. It is a simple system of ministrythat teams of ministers can be, and have been, trained to duplicate. The results of years ofexperience is described in this book (manual). The process, the tools and techniques areeffective with most people. At the end of a few hours of ministry people feel ""lighter""and ""better"" than when they came. He now says with confidence, ""You can receive a""Jesus Overhaul"" in a few hours of ministry.""Doing the Supernatural Works of Jesusreveals the well rounded process of taking a person from salvation to freedom in Christby applying simple prayers and processes. It begins with forgiving those that have causedpain in our lives, breaking word curses and ungodly soul ties. Then, Jesus becomes our Healer emotionally, healing the broken-hearted. Jesus gave us ALL authority to cast outdemons. He gave us ALL power over the enemy because greater is He who is in us. (1John 4: 4) Jesus is our Healer physically giving us power to heal the Sick. You will alsosee how you can implement disciplines in your life so that you can stay free. Everett Coxshares how you, too, can do the supernatural works of Jesus.