Science, Origins, & Ancient Civilizations, Paperback
Gerry Burney graduated from San Francisco State University with a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies, and pursued graduate study at the University of California at Berkeley, and Seminary study with Southern Baptist Seminary Tennessee. He authored his first book on economics and poverty in 1985. Mr. Burney is a veteran of the U. S. Air Force, and served in Vietnam. He retired from managing microwave communication technologies for over thirty years. He has pastored in several Baptist churches within the Mendo-Lake association of churches in California, and is currently the Chaplain to the inmates for the Mendocino County Jail and Juvenile Hall. He has been a high school teacher, and teaches seminars on biblical studies. SCIENCE, ORIGINS, & ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS Scientific Evidence Withheld from School Textbooks In addition to hundreds of references to Scientific Evidence that supports the Bible, which are withheld from school textbooks, this book also examines Ancient Civilizations and their relationship to Babylon and ancient knowledge. Gods Word ends with the Revelation 17 reference in capital letters to the MYSTERY being exposed during the end-times. Chapters include Universe & Solar System Geology Radiometric & Carbon 14 Dating Fossils & Humans Language & Race Civilizations & Knowledge Christs Birth Date Islam & Prophecy ISBN 978-1-60791-625-3 Other books available in this series The Flat Earth & Genesis ISBN 978-1-60791-624-6 Revelation, Apostasy, End-Times, & This Generation ISBN 978-1-60791-623-9 Gods Plan / Satans Plan ISBN 978-1-60791-626-0 The Book of Chronologies & Time Charts available on burneyfam. com