Divine Timing, Paperback
Being at the right place at the right time is an ideal position to be in regarding opportunity and fulfilling your destiny. However, premature exposure can frustrate God's plan for your life. Does perfect timing just happen, or is it a method one can learn? In this book, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams teaches how to develop divine timing and maximize God's will for every aspect of your life. He will give you keys to know when you have missed God's timing, or are in a state of premature exposure, and how to re-position yourself within God's timetable. Divine timing is not just showing up at the right time, but is a process of prayer, skill development, proper attitude, courage, and responsibility. Your destiny is not a matter of fate, but is a decision for discipline, preparation and divine timing. With three decades of Ministry behind him, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams is the Presiding Archbishop and General Overseer of Christian Action Faith Ministries (CAFM). CAFM has over 150 affiliate and branch churches located in North America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Archbishop Duncan-Williams is also the Founder and President of Prayer Summit International and Global Prayer Invasion, which bring the message and the power of prayer to many around the world. With a unique anointing in the area of prayer and intercession, Archbishop has been recognized by many leaders in the body of Christ as the ""Apostle of Strategic Prayer."" Having gained accreditation and respect by various church leaders, God has used him to counsel and speak into the lives of world leaders, while still maintaining his touch with the common man. He is affectionately called ""Papa"" by many.