The Purpose of Trials and Adversity, Paperback
All of us face hard times. Sometimes they are big fiery trials, and sometimes they are embers that burn slowly and continuously. Most believers know, at least intellectually, that God is faithful regardless of our situations. But if we admit the reality of our understanding, we wonder why a good God would allow these adversities in our lives. Anne Trippe wrote The Purpose of Trials and Adversity after years of counseling hurting individuals and couples and after facing in her own life the usual adversities that come from living in the world. In this book, Anne shows how God's very calling for us is woven into and worked out of the the trials we face. Truths in The Purpose of Trials and Adversity include living from one's identity in Christ and His indwelling power in the face of our hard times. The importance of being transformed by the renewing of one's mind to the attitude of Christ as we face those situations is emphasized. Setting one's mind on things above is explained. Illustrations are given of what this might ""look-like"" in the context of our trials and adversities. The reasoning of the world system vs the mind-set of Christ as we walk through trials is addressed. God's awesome purposes for us as we persevere through hard times are revealed. Dr. Anne Trippe a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a Licensed Professional Counselor, was on Staff at First Baptist Church Atlanta for 21 years. In addition to The Purpose of Trials and Adversity, Anne wrote Marriage The Journey and Old Beliefs vs New Beliefs. Both were written for individuals and couples. They are also used to facilitate small groups and in counseling. Anne also authored A Model For Marriage Counseling and developed conference and course materials, Understanding Your Journey to Freedom and Understanding Your Journey to Freedom in Marriage. ""