This Son of Mine, Paperback
Malcolm Smith was born in London England immediately before World War 2. He came to a personal knowledge of the Lord Jesus in his very early teens and experienced an infilling of the Holy Spirit that changed his life forever. From the very beginning of his life in Christ he had a desire to know the love of God in its fullness and in prayer, meditation and study he has pursued that longing over the last 60 years. He began preaching in his early teens and was pastor of churches in the London area and in Ireland before coming to the U. S. in 1964. While pastoring a church in Brooklyn N. Y. he experienced the Holy Spirit in a way that radically changed his ministry plunging him into leadership in the emerging Charismatic movement that opened all denominations to his message. Since then he has traveled throughout the world teaching believers who they truly are in the love of God in Christ. He has hundreds of hours of teaching on CD and DVD and broadcasts to thousands throughout the world over the web (www. unclov. org/webinars) every Tuesday night at 7 central time. He has authored a number of books including Turn Your Back on the Problem and The Lost Secret of the New Covenant. He presently lives in Bandera, Tx with his wife Nancy who joins him with her healing and prayer ministry, He conducts retreats and Bible schools and ministers to a weekly fellowship on Sunday mornings in their ranch in Bandera.