The Theory and Practice of Gamesmanship or the Art of Winning Games Without Actually Cheating, Paperback
Gamesmanship as a civilised art is as old as the competitive spirit in man. It is polite psychological warfare. It is the moral equivalent of assault and battery. It is, as the subject of this book points out, The Art of Winning Games Without Actually Cheating. Anyone who has ever played any games for keeps has discovered the Gamesman either in himself or in an opponent. In its simplest terms the poker player's bluff is a device of gamesmanship. While winning games without actually cheating may seem to some scrupulous sportmen to be treading the fair-play borderline, the author points out 'The true Gamesman is always the Good Sportsman.' If you find your game is slipping, whatever it might be-golf, tennis, bridge, poker, chess, craps or croquet-this is the book for you. Apply the power of the 'ploy' or, as we would say, the 'Indian sign.' After reading Gamesmanship you, too, can win without actually cheating