The Restitution of All Things: Israel, Christians, and the End of the Age, Hardcover
Did Jesus of Nazareth really intend to start a brand new religion called -Christianity-? Or, did He come to fulfill that which all of the Hebrew prophets had foretold since the fall of man--something the Holy Scriptures mysteriously and wonderfully call -the restitution of all things.- In his newest book, The Restitution of All Things: Israel, Christians, and the End of the Age, veteran journalist and bestselling author Joseph Farah seeks to shed light on what few sermons today teach about, few authors expound upon, and few Bible studies explore: the coming kingdom of God. The Restitution of All Things is a primer on the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith that will forever give you a new appreciation of the work Jesus did on the cross, and will answer these provocative questions: What does the Bible clearly teach about the ultimate solution to the Middle East conflict? Is the story of the New Testament really grace vs law? Or has grace always been around and is the law forever? What is the ultimate destination of redeemed mankind - heaven or earth? Why is there so much focus in the prophecy world on events leading up to the return of Jesus and so little about what follows? What is the central conflict Jesus has in the gospels and what was the great error of the Pharisees? Is it possible today's believers in Jesus could be making the same error as the Pharisees of His time? Have Christians replaced Israel as the people of promise? Using Scriptures almost exclusively as a resource, Farah will shock and amaze most Christians with a clear picture of what the coming kingdom of God will be like. Such prophetic Scriptures and many others, closely matching the conditions of today's world, make a compelling case that we may be nearing this very special and long-prophesied time--a time of great hope, but also of great deception. With so much attention by prophecy teachers on events to occur before the return of Jesus, The Restitution of All Things looks beyond that to His on