ARE 5 Practice Problems for the Architect Registration Exam, Paperback
ARE 5 Practice Problems contains more than 600 problems designed to reinforce your knowledge of the topics presented in the ARE 5 Review Manual. Problems are organized according to the ARE 5. 0 exam divisions. All the exam-problem formats are presented, including multiple choice, case study, check-all-that-apply, fill-in-the-blank, drag-and-place, and hot spot formats. Clearly explained solutions are provided for all problems to supplement your review. ARE 5 Practice Problems will help you to effectively familiarize yourself with the exam scope and problem formatssuccessfully connect relevant theory to exam-like problemsquickly identify accurate and efficient problem-solving approachesassess essential knowledge, skills, and analytical abilities ARE Divisions Covered Practice Management Project Management Programming & Analysis Project Planning & Design Project Development & Documentation Construction & Evaluation