Messianic Torah Devotional: Messianic Jewish Devotionals for the Five Books of Moses, Paperback
Presenting the five books of Moses from a distinctly Messianic Jewish perspective, the Messianic Torah Devotional will forever change the way you see your relationship with God. The topics of Torah--from the fundamental to the fiery--are sure to stir you toward a life of unparalleled holiness and commitment to the Master, Yeshua. With devotional writings corresponding to each of the Torah portions as defined by the traditional Jewish annual reading cycle, the Messianic Torah Devotional illuminates Israel's distinguishing covenant as a rich source of nourishment for the hungry disciple of Messiah. Join Messianic Jewish teacher and author Kevin Geoffrey in this third offering from the Messianic Devotional series, as he leads you on a humbling journey from the Garden to the Jordan, and encourages you to continue developing the life-transforming discipline of devotion.