Walking the Steps of Cincinnati: A Guide to the Queen City's Scenic & Historic Secrets, Paperback
""Walking the Steps of Cincinnati: A Guide to the Queen City s Scenic and Historic Secrets"" is a revised and updated version of Mary Anna Du Sablon s original guidebook, first published in 1998. This new edition describes and maps thirty-four walks of varying lengths and levels of difficulty around the neighborhoods of Cincinnati, following scenic or historic routes and taking in many of the city s more than four hundred sets of steps. Some of these walks follow the same routes laid out by Du Sablon in the first edition of the guide; others have been revised to reflect changes in the city and its neighborhoods, the physical condition of the steps, and the scenic views of Cincinnati that they afford; and still others are altogether new. In writing their descriptions of the walks, authors Connie J. Harrell and John Cicmanec have retraced each path and taken all new photographs of the steps as well as architectural and natural landmarks along the way. Cartographer Brian Balsley has drawn a fresh set of maps, and Roxanne Qualls, vice-mayor of Cincinnati, has graciously written a new foreword.""