ACT Like Men: 40 Days to Biblical Manhood, Paperback
Man up; it s the best thing you can do for others and yourself Men are so busy doing so many different things; when not working, their free time is oftenfull of the trivial or sinful. But what society and church so desperately need are men who embrace all that God created them to be, who long to follow God without limits and meet the needs of those around them without hesitation. To get there, we need what Pastor James Mac Donald calls radical surgery a deep, probing exploration and reparation of all that it means to be a man. In his definitive, bold voice, Mac Donald calls men to be watchful, firm in their faith, strong, and loving. This isn t a call for bravado and bluster. It s a call for men to mix tender and tough, to be humble, to follow Jesus. It is a call to be leaders, men of God, husbands who are present and caring and strong. It is straight talk no posturing or posing or beating around the bush inviting men to redemption and restoration in their manhood. Read Act Like Men and take bold steps toward being all that God designed you to be.""