Ati Teas Secrets Study Guide: Teas 6 Complete Study Manual, Full-Length Practice Tests, Review Video Tutorials for the Test of Essential Academic Sk, Paperback
"" Attention: This guide is for the new ATI TEAS(R), Sixth Edition, for students testing on or after August 31, 2016. If you are taking your test before August 31, try our Secrets of the TEAS V Exam Study Guide. The Only Guide with 3 Complete Practice Tests and 74 Step-By-Step Tutorial Videos The ATI TEAS extremely challenging, and thorough test preparation is essential for success. ATI TEAS Secrets Study Guide is the ideal prep solution for anyone who wants ace the Test of Essential Academic Skills, Sixth Edition. Not only does it provide a comprehensive study manual for the TEAS 6 as a whole, it is the only guide that provides three full-length practice tests with detailed explanations of each answer and 74 video tutorials to help you review. ATI TEAS Secrets Study Guide includes: A thorough and detailed review of all ATI TEAS test sections Review video tutorials to help you master difficult concepts Comprehensive practice questions with detailed answer explanations Tips and strategies to help you get your best test performance It is filled with the critical information you will need in order to do well on the test: the concepts, procedures, principles, and vocabulary that your nursing school expects you to have mastered before sitting for the exam. The Reading section covers: Key Ideas and Details Craft and Structure Integration of Knowledge and Ideas The Mathematics section covers: Numbers and Operations Data Interpretation Measurement The Science section covers: Human Anatomy and Physiology Life and Physical Sciences Scientific Reasoning The English and Language Usage section covers: Conventions of Standard English Punctuation Improving Sentences Improving Paragraphs Vocabulary These sections are full of specific and detailed information that will be key to succeeding on the ATI TEAS. Concepts and principles are not simply named or described in passing, but are explained in detail. The guide is laid out in a logical and organized fashion so that one section natu