Journey Through the Ark Encounter, Hardcover
Be transported back in time to meet Noah and his seven other family members, who lived aboard the Ark and cared for all the animals during the Flood. See what their living quarters may have looked like, what they could have brought on board, and even what kinds of clothing they wore. At 510 feet long, 51 feet high, and 85 feet wide, Noah's Ark stretched an American football field and a half long. The Ark built in Kentucky is the largest timber frame structure in the world, built from standing dead timber, in part by skilled Amish craftsmen. It is an architectural and engineering wonder containing three decks of worldclass exhibits. Whether or not you have visited the Ark Encounter, this book will guide you step-by-step through this faith-affirming wonder. Many of the animals that lived during Noah's lifetime didn't look much like the animals we see today. Prepare to have your expectations challenged by a host of incredibly lifelike sculpted animals, along with exotic live animals.