Raising the Bar: Ministry to Youth in the New Millennium, Paperback
""We know how to be teenagers. We wantthe church] to show us how to be adults."" --Kristin, aged 17 Two-thirds of today's teens are interested in having a meaningful relationship with God, yet less than one-third of them are active in a local church. Alvin Reid--an experienced pastor, professor, evangelist, and youth ministry speaker--suggests these statistics are more an indictment of the way the church does youth ministry than of the teens they try to reach. Today's generation of teens, the Millennial generation, is marked by teamwork, authenticity, and a ""can-do"" attitude. They are much more than kids finishing childhood--a perspective many in the church have and that drives what often happens in youth group--they are young adults with incredible potential who need to learn how to be Christian adults. This compelling book provides an impassioned plea for the church to set a higher standard; to reinvent the fundamental ways we have ministered to teens and their families. Author is a recognized authority and sought-after speaker on youth ministry Views teens positively, but not naively Encourages and shows youth ministers and workers how to have a biblically successful ministry Written with passion and expert knowledge