Catholic Gift Bible-NRSV, Hardcover
The Holy Bible, New Revised Standard Version, is the most trusted, most accepted, and the most accurate English translation of the Bible available today. Now it s economically priced for personal use or gift-giving for landmark celebrations such as weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, confirmation or first communion. The NRSV Gift & Award Bible includes the following features: o A special introduction to the Catholic spiritual life and to every book of the Bible o Popular profiles of Bible heroes, key Bible terms, and guides for prayer o Full-color presentation pages for dedication and recording of family history o 16 pages of Bible maps o Concordance for finding key verses o Readable two-column design o Durable, leather-like binding, ideal for foil stamping a personalized name for gift-giving o Satin ribbon marker Impramaturs: Most Reverend Daniel E. Pilarczyk, president, National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington DC, September 12, 1991 Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, Ottawa, October 15, 1991