The Book of St. Cyprian: The Sorcerer's Treasure, Paperback
THE BOOK OF ST. CYPRIAN: THE SORCERER'S TREASURE is a translation of one of the most complete Portuguese grimoires attributed to St. Cyprian of Antioch, O GRANDE LIVRO DE S. CYPRIANO OU THESOURO DO FEITICEIRO, including extensive commentaries on the history of Western Iberian Bruxaria and Feiticaria, Catholicism, the blood war of Old and New Christians, the slave trade, and the Empire. The Book of Saint Cyprian is revealed as a manifestation of vaster and pre-existent magical and folkloric traditions and is inserted into its proper cultural background, providing the reader with the keys to its unwritten content including the Book's connection to the vast mythical corpus of the Mouras Encantadas. THE BOOK OF ST. CYPRIAN: THE SORCERER'S TREASURE is an essential read for all those interested in folk magic, be it diabolical or saintly, fey traditions, the largely unknown West Iberian magical current and its various traces and manifestations in the modern Ibero-African-American cults of Brazil.