Selp-Helf, Hardcover
In this decidedly unhelpful, candid, hilarious ""how-to"" guide, You Tube personality Miranda Sings offers life lessons and tutorials with her signature sassy attitude. Over six million social media fans can't be wrong: Miranda Sings is one of the funniest faces on You Tube. As a bumbling, ironically talentless, self-absorbed personality (a young Gilda Radner, if you will), she offers up a vlog of helpful advice every week on her widely popular You Tube channel. For the first time ever, Miranda is putting her advice to paper in this easy-to-follow guide, illustrated by Miranda herself. In it, you'll find instructions on everything: how to get a boyfriend (wear all black and carry a fishing net), to dressing for a date (sequins and an orange tutu), to performing magic (""Magic is Lying""), and much, much more Miranda-isms abound in these self-declared lifesaving pages, and if you don't like it...well, as Miranda would say...""Haters, back off ""